What an unforgettable weekend! Another one for the books.
Before I talk about meeting Mario Dedivanovic, let me tell you how I ended up at Ipsy's 3-day event.
I got an email around June that I have tickets for Ipsy's creator day on October 11. At first I wasn't sure because I didn't know if I was going to be busy that day since it was still four months away.
Fast forward to end of September, I saw Mario's Instagram post that he was going to have a meet and greet at Ipsy Live; I immediately rsvp'd for the Friday and Sunday.
Friday was for exclusive for Creators. We listened to a few successful people in three panels.
Then we had the chance to connect and market with co-creators during cocktails. After that we were able to get a preview of all the booths for the event the next day.
I also had the chance to take a picture with beauty vlogger Roxette Arisa, who I've watched on Youtube. Gigi Gorgeous was there walking around and taking photos with fans.
The highlight that night was receiving my gift bag that I couldn't carry as I was wearing high heels.
The bag weighed 18lbs! I ended up taking the Uber going home.
Met new friends who live in my area. |
Met Roxette Arisa
I skipped Saturday as I wanted to rest since I had sleepless nights for a week already.
Sunday came and I was so fired up to meet Makeup By Mario or Mario Dedivanovic a.k.a Kim Kardashian's long time makeup artist! I'm so happy I got there on time for the tickets to meet him.
After getting my ticket, I got to listen to him talk about his life, career and a few tips for success.
His words of wisdom inspired me and made me realize we both have the same view in life. Being a believer of how the universe works and hearing him talk about the things I've already been practicing like manifesting my dreams since I was in high school, had me look up to him even more.
We're so similar and I love it!
I love how business minded he is too. There are only a few people that I look up to who are smart in managing their careers and Mario is one of them.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to attend Ipsy's event and I hope to be there again next year.
Below are more photos including the goodie bag from Sunday.

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